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 Nepal TPS update!!!
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Posted on 01-13-25 2:47 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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According to the Federal Register, the official announcement regarding the extension of TPS for certain countries is scheduled to be published on January 17, 2024.

They have filed this morning as a special filing, as January 17, 2025, marks the final working day for officials of the current Biden Administration, and any requests for TPS extensions must be submitted promptly to ensure they are considered and officially announced by January 17, 2025.
However, it has been confirmed that Nepal is not included in the announced TPS extensions.

Posted on 01-13-25 2:59 PM     [Snapshot: 45]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Whoopsss . Sad news for our fellow Nepalese . I always wanted it to be extended for my fellows from inside . Btw, sexy in sari how can you be so cocksure about it ?
Posted on 01-13-25 3:08 PM     [Snapshot: 105]     Reply [Subscribe]
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They filed this morning at 11:30 a.m., but the submission did not include Nepal's notice of extension. However, they are set to file again at 4 p.m., so we will have to wait and see if Nepal is included in that filing. Notably, all TPS notices from last Friday were included in today's filings.

To clarify, I did not say that Nepal was not granted an extension. What I mentioned was that in today's filing, Nepal was not included. Sometimes, notices are published in the Federal Register but announced later on government websites. We will have to wait and see if Nepal appears in future updates or announcements.

Posted on 01-13-25 3:18 PM     [Snapshot: 138]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Fellows nepal TPS holder haru Chance ajai raichha hai . Attinu hunna .
Posted on 01-13-25 6:34 PM     [Snapshot: 471]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Anti TPS FAIR is already aware of this. Remember Project 2025? Biden should have done these extensions earlier when nobody is watching or paying attention. But they can't do sh*t about what Biden is already protecting.


Now, President Trump has a second opportunity to act. During previous transfers of power, the incoming administration has frozen rules and regulations that are not yet in effect. President-elect Trump could – and should – immediately freeze these TPS extensions until a review can be undertaken, and extensions that are not justified should be rescinded.
Posted on 01-13-25 8:49 PM     [Snapshot: 661]     Reply [Subscribe]
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How do you know information about federal register .Many nepali community are in danger .Hope it will extend .Please keep providing update if your source is correct
Posted on 01-14-25 8:19 AM     [Snapshot: 1143]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Tps Extend hune news aaula jasto chaina.

Posted on 01-14-25 9:40 AM     [Snapshot: 1283]     Reply [Subscribe]
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