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Posted on 09-23-05 8:27 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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>L % df r9fPsf] lalGt / g]tf;Fusf] ck]Iff

clgn kf08]
hgj/L )%, @))$

g]kfn / g]kfnLsf] lgotLsf] ;Gbe{df w]/} n]lvof] t/ s]xL ePg . slt n]Vg] < slxn];Dd n]Vg] < / s] s] dfq n]Vg] < n]Vg]x/mn] n]v]sf] n]Vo} 5g\ ,k9g]x/mn] k9]sf k9\o} 5g\ vfnL km/s otL dfq} 5 sL s;}n] dgf]/~hgsf] ?kdf t s;}n] ;do latfpgsf] nflu t s;}n] rDrflu/L sf] /mkdf cf cfkm\gf v'lj / bhf{ cg';f/ k9]sf k9\o} 5g\ . cem k|i6 efiffdf eGg] xf] eg] Pp6f lunf; df cfwf kfgL xfn]/ tkfO{+sf] ;fd' /fvL lbof] eg] To;nfO{ s'g ?kdf x]g{' x'G5 . - xfkm km'n sL xfkm PD6L <_ xf] xfd|f] b]z sf] cj:yf klg ToxL lunf;sf] kfgL h:t} ePsf] 5 . Efg] em} slt sf] lhGbuL n]Vbf n]Vb} uPsf] 5 eg] sltsf] k9bf k9\b} . -dfg{]n] df/]sf] df/\o} 5 dg{] d/]sf] d/\o} 5 ._ t/ klg oxfF cfh;Dd s;}n] klg b]z / hgtfsf] -gt kf6L{ gt /fh ;+:yfn] g}_ dd{ / ;dosf] a]nL a'em\g g;Sg' / ;f] sf] ;xL d"Nofs+g ug{ g;Sg' g} cfhsf] 7"nf] r'gf}tL x'g k'u]sf] 5 .
OdfGbf/Lsf ;fy sfd ug{ Pp6f ljz]if ;+oGqsf] lgdf{0f u/fO{ cfo;|f]t gv'n]sf ;a}sf] ;Dklt /fli6|o s/0f u/L s'g} klg /fhgLlts JolQm jf ;+:yf, :jb]zL, ljb]zL u}/;/sf/L ;+:yfx/?nfO{ kf/bzL{ agfO{ lgolGqt Pj+ lgoldt agfpg Pp6f :jR5 ;kmf 5lj ePsf] -;]gfklt jf GofofwL; jf jl/i7 sfg'gljb\sf]_ g]t[Tjdf Pp6f o'jf /fi6| ;]js ;+nUg ;+oGqsf] lgdf{0f ug{' kg]{ cfjZostf 5 .
oxL cfzo v'nfO s]xL ;do klxn] >L % df o; n]vs nufot cd]l/sfdf a:g] sl/a tLg ;o g]kfnLn] lalGtLkq lbPsf lyof+} .
ckm;f]r sf] s'/f xfd|f] b]zdf /f0ff afx]s c? s;}n] klg lsg k'/f kfFr jif{ k|wfgdGqL rnfpg ;s]gg\ < rnfpg} g;s]sf] xf] sL jf ;fRrL s} rnfpg glbPsf] xf] eGg] k|Zg cfkm\g} 7Ffpdf 5 . Pp6} kf6L{ sf] k"0f{ ax'dt xF'bf;Dd klg k"/f kFfr jif{ k|wfgdGqL rnfpg g;Sbf jf l6Sg g;Sbf eg] ;fRrLs} nfh nfu]/ cfpF5 . ;Dk"0f g]tfx/mn] s] a'em\g' h/m/L 5 eg] /fi6|, /fli6|otf / ;f]emf g]kfnLdfly v]njf8 ug{ / l3g nfUbf] kmf]xf]/L /fhgLlt ug{' cufl8 cfvfF lrDnL ho ef]n]gfy clg ho /fi6| jfb elg ;dk{0f x'g cfu|x ub{5' . cem xFf;f]nfUbf] s'/f t s] 5 eg] xfd|f g]tfx?n] cfhsf ldlt;Dddf klg hgtfsf] vfFrf] / dd{ a'em\g g;Sg' xf] . cfh hgtf h;n] h;/L u/] klg zflGt jftf{ u/f];\ eGg] rflx/x]sf 5g\ . Tf/ kmf]xf]/L /fhgLlt / hgtfsf] /utdf xf]nL v]Ng]x?nfO{ /fhfn] h; kfpnfg\ eGg] 7"nf] lrGtf 5 . Tf;y{ To; k|sf/sf] lgxLt :jfy{nfO{ 5f]8]/ /fi6| / hgtfsf] nflu s]xL u/]df slt /fd|f] x'GYof] < b]z ;a}sf] xf] s[kof u/L cem ;Sg' x'G5 eg] /fhf / ;a} g]tfx? Pp6f uf]nd]rdf a;]/ /fi6|sf] nflu sd;]sd cjsf] krf; jif{df b]znfO{ s'g lbzflt/ nfg] eg]/ cufl8sf] ;f]r agfOlbP dfq xfdL g]kfnLsf] d'xf/ pHofnf] x'G5 . ;f] ;Tsfo{sf] nflu Ps ;f]R5 k|0ffnL] k|f/De ug]{tkm{ hlt ;Sbf] rf8f] lsg Wofg glbg] <
@)%( ;fnsf] kmfu'g & ut] k|hftGq lbj;sf ;Gbe{df b]zsf] ;Df'GgtLsf] nflu s]xL ;f]Rg' ;fGble{s x'g] ljZjf;sf ;fy >L % sf xh'/df xfdL cd]l/sfdf /x]sf /fi6|jfbL g]kfnLn] laGtLkq r9fPsf lyof}+ .
ljutsf !# jif{nfO{ dWo gh/ /fVbf rf]vf] ;+:yf eg]s} /fh:f+:yf dfq afFsL ePsf] s'/fdf b'O{ dt gx'Fbf / Toxfaf6 dfq xfdL ;Dk"0f{ g]kfnL sf] enf] x'g] cfzf lnO{ ut !@ , !# jif{sf] cj:yfnfO{ dWo gh/ /fVbf e|i6frf/ , sfg'gL /fhsf] gfddf u}/sfg'gL Jojxf/, a]OdfgL tl/sfn] hg cfs+fIff ljkl/t sfd sf/jfxL dx;'z xfdL ;Dk"0fn] u/]sf 5f}+ .
Eff]lnsf lbgx?df h;n] b]zsf] afu8f]/ ;dft] klg ;xL af6f] jf lnsdf /fd|/L rnfpg ;sf];\, s"n %, % jif{ ;a} /fd|/L l6Sg ;Sg] kl/kf6L ga;fn];Dd xfd|f] b]zsf] d'xf/ xFl;nf] kfg{ ;lsPnf h:tf] dnfO{ nfUb}g\ . t;y{ To;tkm{ Wofg lbg' clt h/m/L 5 -To;sf] nflu js{ xf8{/, lys+ :df6{/ ug{' k/\of] _ vfnL k|wfgdGqL / dGqL sf] aGg] eGg]lt/ dfq lsg ;a}sf] Wofgfsif{0f, a'e\mg} ;lsPg\, k]m\/L cfkm"n] g]tf / :jR5 ;kmf 5lj ePsf egL 6f]kn]sfx? klg vfnL 5ftL km'nfP/ cfk\mg} :jfy{df tNnLg dfq ePsf] b]lvof] . Dffq[e"ldnfO{ s]xL u/]/ b]vfpF5' eg]/ 5ftL km'nfpg] cfh;Dd s;}n] ;'Gg / b]Vg ;s]sf 5}gg\ . Tf;y{ ca agfpg] dlGqd08ndf -SjfG6L6L geO{ SjfnL6Ltkm{ Wofg lbg' k/\of]_ kl/kf6L a;fn]/ b]znfO{ ;xL lbzfdf xfFSg ;Sg] Ifdtf ePsf o'jf k':tfx?nfO{ NofO{ hlt ;Sof] rfF8f] g]kfnsf] cl:tTj arfpg]tkm{ nfUg' k/\of] . o:tf] ljifd kl/l:yltdf klg Ps csf{sf] vf]6 / eP gePsf /fd|f g/fd|f s'/f dfq sf]6\ofP/ Ps cfk;df ufnL unf}h u/L dg d'6fj gu/L vfnL ;d:of dfq b]vfP/ ePg\ , x'Fb}g < ;f] ;d:of sf] xn s;/L ug{ ;lsG5 eg]/ v'nf lbnn] ljb]zdf a;]sf g]kfnL Jofkf/Lx?sf] e]nf u/fPem} ;Dk"0f{ /fi6|k|lt ;dlk{t n]vs, a'l4hLjL, lj4fg , k|f]km];/ , kqsf/ , sfg'gljb nufot ;Dk"0f{n] lrGtg dgg\ ug]{ a]nf ePsf] 5 . of] PSsfO;f}+ ;tfAbLdf cfP/ klg xfdL cndn, cfn6fn, hfnem]n / s';L{ tfgftfg ug{ yfNof}+ eg] ca xfd|f] cl:tTj /xFb}g , h;/L x'G5 /fh;+:yf , /fli6otf / k|hftGq a/fa/ lx;fj;Fu s;/L cufl8 nfg] eGg]lt/ xfdL ;a}n] Wofg lbg'kg]{ a]nf cfPsf] 5 . %# gf} /fli6|o k|hftGq lbj;sf] lbg >L % af6 JoSt ul/Psf efjgfnfO{ xfdL ;Dk"0f{n] a'em\g] sf]zLz u/f}+ / To;tk{m nDsf} . Kff/bzL{tf g} clxn]sf] k|hftGqsf] jf:tljs rl/q x'g' kb{5 . sfl6\Psf] ruf+ em} ePsf] b]zsf] cj:yfnfO{ dWogh/ /fVbf ;a} k|d'v /fhgLlts zlQmx? Pp6} uf]nd]rdf a;L ;femf ;xdltsf] ljGb" vf]Hg' h?/L 5 . Tof] ljGb" eg]sf] ;+;f/ e/L g} VoftL kfpFb} cfPsf] k|hftGq xf], To;sf/0f To;nfO{ arfpg] Pp6} pkfo xf] , hgdt hlt ;Sof] rfF8f] To;tkm{ hfg' kb{5 . cfkm\gf] df}lns xs / clwsf/ hgtfd} lbgsf] nflu ePklg Ps k6s hgtfdf hfg' h?/L 5 . ;+ljwfg agfpg] h:tf] d"v{ ;f]rnfO{ Tofu]/ ;do ;fk]If kl/dfh{glt/ nfUg' a'l4dfgL x'g]5 . affsL tkfOFx?sf] dhL{ < tkfO{xx?sf] xftdf 8f8' kGo' 5 . G]fkfnsf] /fhgLlt xf] a'e\mg ufx|f] k5{ .
Hfo ef]n]gfy ho /fi6|jfb .

Posted on 09-23-05 8:51 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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About the time some one came with great idea In Nepal About Journalism and
who like to be good journalist in Nepal. and for this We must Thanks to
Great Journalists Mr..Kapil kafle.In His this book he has cover all the are
that we need. Journalism as a profession has caught the attention of many
youngsters and the practice of journalism is sure gain momentum. However, in
the context of shortage of reference materials in Nepal, Mr Kapil Kafle has
come up with a book Journalism dot Investigation. The book reflects his long
experience in the media.

of the best things about the book is that it explores both the concept and
theories of journalism and the emerging trend in this field. The explanation
of the newsroom management, trends on online, radio and broadcast
journalism, techniques of writing news, features and investigative reporting
makes it a very useful handbook for both new entrants to the field as well
as seasoned hands.

More usefully, Kafle has included all the press-related laws and code of
conduct making it almost a complete reference material.

The book is edited by Dhrubahari Adhikary and Tapanath Shukla and published
by Anil Pandey for Motherland of Nepal and it is priced at Rs. 250.

Posted on 09-25-05 5:08 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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U are still an ass

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